

  • Quality management acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 ff

  • Environmental management acc. to DIN EN 14001

  • Occupational health and safety acc. to BS OHSAS 18001

  • Occupational health and safety acc. to SCC ("Safety Certificate Contractors")

  • Specialist company acc. to the German Water Management Act (WHG) (article 62 (1) of the German ordinance on installations handling substances hazardous to water (AwSV))

  • Quality assurance qualification acc. to the KTA 1401 regulations (technical building equipment for nuclear applications)

  • Licence S 10/07 acc. to article 25 of the German Radiation Protection Act

  • Certification acc. to article § 6 of the German regulation for the protection of the climate againts changes due to immissions of certain flourinated greenhouse gases (ChemKlimaschutzV)

  • Registered specialist refrigeration company

over seventy-five years of experience
more than a hundred employees
more than eight hundred projects worldwide