Quality management acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 ff
Environmental management acc. to DIN EN 14001
Occupational health and safety acc. to BS OHSAS 18001
Occupational health and safety acc. to SCC ("Safety Certificate Contractors")
Specialist company acc. to the German Water Management Act (WHG) (article 62 (1) of the German ordinance on installations handling substances hazardous to water (AwSV))
Quality assurance qualification acc. to the KTA 1401 regulations (technical building equipment for nuclear applications)
Licence S 10/07 acc. to article 25 of the German Radiation Protection Act
Certification acc. to article § 6 of the German regulation for the protection of the climate againts changes due to immissions of certain flourinated greenhouse gases (ChemKlimaschutzV)
Registered specialist refrigeration company